Wednesday, October 22, 2008

piña coladas (no rum, all the fun)

i'm not sure i should confess this story, but a few of my friends have wanted this recipe, so here goes. my sil mary started this whole mess. she made us some virgin piña coladas one night at her house and we couldn't get enough. i started making them as a late night tv treat for my husband and i. we started wanting them everyday. i've been making blenderfuls of these almost nightly, for over a month now! (this. has. got. to. stop.) mary's story is better; she served these to her teenager's friends and they went home to tell their parents that they had piña coladas and lots of fun. this version, like hers, is without the alcohol but with all the fun.

piña coladas (no rum, all the fun)
rachelle's recipe

1 1/2 cups pineapple juice
1 cup coconut cream (the thick sweetened kind, not coconut milk)(1/2 can.)
3 Tablespoons sweetened condensed milk (1/4 can.)**
4 cups ice

using the lines on your blender to measure, add juice, then the coconut cream, and finally the sweetened condensed milk into a blender. pulse to mix. add ice. the longer you process in the blender, the more smooth consistency you will have. if your blender has trouble with the ice, use a knife to stir the top into the bottom (while the blender is off of course.)

*feel free to sub the sweetened condensed milk with milk or cream and sugar, or vanilla ice cream. you can also add 1/2 cup half and half or a couple Tbsp. cream to make it more creamy. all versions are fab. i'm going to work on a diet version, i promise!
this will make one blenderful. enough for 4.

**edit 10/30: last night i tried another brand of coconut cream. it wasn't as 'sweet.' i needed a half can sweetened condensed milk. and a spoonful of sugar. so sweeten to taste. it all depends on the kind of coconut cream you have.


  1. i'm SOOOO glad you posted this!!! i LOVE pina coladas!

  2. I love the sound of these! I love pina coladas...I need that diet version-quick!

  3. Rusty has made these every night since you told him what was in them.(I'm not sure when exactly that was, but you get the idea) Delisioso!

  4. Yum! I added a 1/2 teaspoon of rum extract and it was awesome.
